The ZERO Plan®

0% Payment Solutions

ZERO Plan Online FormsBuilder

The ZERO Plan FormsBuilder is an online application that will print the ZERO Plan installment agreement and the related documents which is a requirement for funding. There are two versions of the FormsBuilder.  The Basic FormsBuilder will print the ZERO Plan installment agreement and the related documents but will not E-Rate or E-Contract the policy(s) being financed. 

The Enhanced Formsbuilder allows the user to print the ZERO Plan installment agreement and the related documents and at the same time E-Rate or E-Contract the policy(s) being financed The ZERO Plan partners with over 100 Product Providers who integrate with this tool.  As a benefit to ZERO Plan Retailers the E-Rating and E-Contracting is FREE

To Enroll Your Dealership and Begin Using The Application:

  Once the Enrollment is Processed an Email will be Sent to Each User With Login Credentials.  At that point the FormsBuilder can be accessed and used.